2. Al-Baqara (The Cow)



Surah: 2   Aya: 240


240. Waallatheena yutawaffawna minkum wayatharoona azwajan wasiyyatan li-azwajihim mataAAan ila alhawli ghayra ikhrajin fa-in kharajna fala junaha AAalaykum fee ma faAAalna fee anfusihinna min maAAroofin waAllahu AAazeezun hakeemun


240. And those of you who die and leave behind wives should bequeath for their wives a year's maintenance and residence without turning them out, but if they (wives) leave, there is no sin on you for that which they do of themselves, provided it is honourable (e.g. lawful marriage). And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. [The order of this Verse has been cancelled (abrogated) by Verse 4:12].