One day, I randomly opened my Goodreads account and was caught off guard by an unexpected message. I didn’t even realize Goodreads had a messaging feature, so seeing it there was a surprise in itself.
What made it even more intriguing was that the message was from an author! He personally reached out, offering me a free copy of his book because my reading preferences aligned with its subject matter. I was genuinely moved by the gesture. The least I could do was read it and share my honest thoughts. Excited and appreciative, I couldn’t wait to immerse myself in the book and see what kind of journey it would take me on.
Here is my review on Goodreads down below!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a Muslim, I found this book interesting but also a bit controversial. The author gives a unique take on human behavior, Islam, and evolutionary psychology. Some points were well explained and made me think, but others felt too simple or too general.
I liked that the book included history and scientific research. The idea that society shapes how people act in relationships was interesting, even if I didn’t agree with everything. But some topics, like polygyny, feminism, and the differences between the West and Islam, felt exaggerated or missing important details. Islam is deep and complex, and I feel like the book simplified some things too much.
I personally believe that monogamy is the best choice for a Muslim man today, so I didn’t agree with how polygyny was defended. While Islam allows it under strict conditions, it’s not required or even recommended in most cases. I wish the book had given a more balanced view instead of mainly talking about the benefits of polygyny from a biological perspective.
The chapter on feminism was also controversial. It made it seem like feminism only happened because of reproductive strategies, but in reality, it has had a much bigger impact on society. I do think Western feminism and Islamic values have different goals, but the book made it sound too simple.
Overall, the book was well researched and kept me engaged, but I didn’t fully agree with everything. It had good discussion points, but some arguments needed more detail and a more balanced view. I’m giving it 4 stars because it was a unique read, but I think different Muslim readers will have different opinions, especially on polygyny, gender roles, and Islamic traditions.
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