What To Say When You Talk To Your Self by Shad Helmstetter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After reading a couple of books on self-mastery and mental habits, I found myself unarmed with a practical method for actually creating change in my life. While plenty of books can tell you to live in the present or remove fear from your mind, I struggled with the question of “how”. *What To Say When You Talk To Yourself* was my apparent answer — a book on “how to erase and replace past mental programs with healthy, new programs”, a “manual for the human mind”. While I can’t yet say whether or not the methods have been effective for me, content-wise, the book does deliver on its promise. It provides practical “self-talk” exercises for reprogramming your mind, along with research to back it. One criticism: while I definitely found the content of this book valuable, I felt like a considerable portion of the book was repetitive fluff and self-aggrandizement (eg. at one point the author promotes his own self-talk recordings).
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