Book Review #47 – As a Man Thinketh

As a Man ThinkethAs a Man Thinketh by James Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As A Man Thinketh is a great book if you wish to change your ways of thinking and come to the realization that your thoughts govern and produce results within your life (law of attraction/manifestation). I would say that this is a book you would read if you’re into meditation. The reason I say that is because being open-minded while reading this book is key to getting the most out of this book. Every word, sentence and paragraph resonated with me and ultimately helped me to understand that I am responsible for my own life and how my thoughts respond to circumstances. What is key to benefitting from this book is to ingrain this philosophy into your daily life so that no matter what events unfold you know that this information is true. For some people, they may be able to read this book and get this message saved within their brains the first time. But if you’re analytical like I was… you’ll need to practice and literally read this over and over until this knowledge becomes second nature. Yes it’s common sense that A person’s thoughts inevitably create their life, we just need to find a way to direct and control our thoughts or feelings within our subconscious. What has helped for me is meditation. You would listen to guided meditation and then after you’ve calmed your mind read this book, then meditate again. When you first meditate it’s to clear your mind, when you meditate a second time after reading As A Man Thinketh, it’s to integrate this knowledge within your psyche so that you meditate on these truths and they become a part of you. This book is enlightening and it’s key that it becomes a part of our subconscious so that we can gradually benefit over and over from it. I highly recommend this book.

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