Book Review #16 – Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery

Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of DiscoveryEndurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery by Scott Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Author, as well as astronaut Scott Kelly, has so much to tell, and I enjoyed all of the details of life in space aboard the I.S.S., and life with Russian Cosmonauts and the Russian Space Federations’ role in getting pilots up to the I.S.S.

I have always been interested to find out about space programs, NASA activities, and in our astronauts. Seeing them taking off sends chills up and down my spine, along with a few prayers for their journey to space and returning back to planet earth. The moonwalk was incredible! What was missing for me was actual knowledge of what really happens in space when they are there.

Scott did an amazing job describing every aspect of being an astronaut, and how dangered involved. The book attracts my attention when I read the summary of the book in the back where it says that he was in space for a year and he provided an excellent description of that.

This story is amazing. More amazing when you remember that it is not science fiction but reality. If you are at all interested in space, this is an absolute must. If you are not interested in space you will still find this fascinating and thrilling. Scott Kelly is not a great narrator. That being said his straight forward reading suits the material and won me over.

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