Allah Tests Us with Everything

When I look around, I see that life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes I feel happy, and other times I feel lost or in pain. This made me wonder, why do we go through all of this? Then I remembered what Allah says in the Quran:

“Every soul shall taste death, and We test you with evil and with good as a trial, and to Us you will be returned.”
(Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:35)

Allah tells us very clearly that this life is a test. Everything we have, our health, our money, even the people we love, can be taken away at any time. And it’s not because Allah doesn’t love us; it’s because He’s testing us to see how we act.

I strive each day to be a better version of myself. It’s not always easy. I make mistakes, and some days are harder than others. But every night before I go to bed, I ask Allah to forgive me and help me improve in the things I struggle with. I know I’m not perfect, and Allah knows that too. We are human, and we will fall. But Allah knows our intentions, and that’s what matters the most.

Allah also says:

“And this worldly life is no more than play and amusement. But the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah. Will you not then understand?” (Surah Al-An’am, 6:32)

This verse always reminds me not to get too attached to this world. It’s like a dream, everything here will end, but the Hereafter is forever.

Rewards of Heaven

The Quran gives us beautiful details about the rewards of Jannah. Allah says:

“Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure. On adorned couches, observing. You will recognize in their faces the radiance of pleasure. They will be given to drink pure wine, sealed. The last of it is musk. So for this let the competitors compete.”
(Surah Al-Mutaffifin, 83:22-26)

Jannah is beyond what we can imagine. It’s a place where there is no pain, sadness, or hardship. The people of Heaven will live in eternal happiness, surrounded by blessings, enjoying the company of their loved ones, and, most importantly, being close to Allah.

Punishment of Hell

Hell is described as a place of unimaginable torment for those who turn away from Allah and commit sins without repentance. Allah says:

“Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait. For the transgressors, a place of return. In which they will remain for ages [unending]. They will not taste therein coolness or drink, except scalding water and [foul] purulence. An appropriate recompense.”
(Surah An-Naba, 78:21-26)

Hell is not just physical pain; it’s also a place of regret and hopelessness that will never end. This is a warning for us to avoid sinful actions and turn back to Allah with sincere repentance.

A Reminder

Sometimes, we might think we can get away with doing wrong things. Maybe no one sees, or we think it’s a small sin. But Allah warns us:

“Indeed, your Lord is in observation.”
(Surah Al-Fajr, 89:14)

No matter what, Allah is always watching. Even if we escape punishment here, we will face it in the Hereafter if we don’t repent.

Final Advice

Be careful with your actions. Don’t think that just because you got away with something in this world, you’re safe. Allah is fair, and everything will come back to us after we die. Let’s make sure we are preparing for that day.

May Allah guide us all and make our tests easy. Ameen.

Jumu’ah Mubarak!

Author: Alex Shaikh

Alex Shaikh is a passionate blogger, tech enthusiast, and creative thinker who loves sharing insights and stories on a wide range of topics. With a unique blend of humor, knowledge, and personal experiences, Alex's writing aims to inform, inspire, and entertain readers. When not blogging, Alex enjoys exploring hobbies, connecting with people, and dreaming up the next big idea.