Book Review #13 – Anger Management for Dummies

Anger Management for DummiesAnger Management for Dummies by W. Doyle Gentry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I decided to tackle my anger…which I did not think I had a big problem but my good friends told me it was an issue. I use to let my anger build up and then blow up at the person several weeks later. This book is amazing! It gives you real insight as to where your anger comes from . Then it teaches you how to prevent the anger from building and techniques to use so it does not escalate. I refer back to this book when needed.

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Book Review #12 – What Would Google Do?

What Would Google Do?What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seriously the author Jeff Jarvis is in love with Google like I am but Jeff is more like obsessed with Google. If Google was a person, Jeff will be the stalker. I believe this is a profound book about changes in the business world created by continued advancement of the information age. The book as I read it, really is not about Google, per se. Instead it is a thoughtful discussion as to how all kinds of businesses will be impacted by the forces on which Google has so brilliantly capitalized. Overall, “WWGD?” was a well thought out book that was easy to read. It probably would work best with people high school age and higher. A basic understanding of social media and the internet is necessary to fully appreciate “WWGD?”. A complete novice would most likely be a bit lost with some of the terms and phrases used throughout the book. The main takeaway is for companies to join conversations online and develop relationships with their customers. Ultimately, Jeff really just wants businesses to focus on the customers instead of themselves.

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